15-year-old Brandon Crisp ran away from home after his parents confiscated his video games on October 13. A week after, his body was discovered and his death seemed to have been caused by a trauma to the chest, falling out of a tree. As the family recounted the story, Brandon Crisp was addicted to the popular Xbox game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warefare and it was affecting his social life and education. After the parents removed the Xbox console, Brandon threatened to run away. His father, believing he would soon return, helped him pack and let him leave. But Brandon never returned. Many were involved in the search of Brandon Crisp such as his schoolmates and Microsoft. (helped by asking online players on the Xbox)Unfortunately, deer hunters found him dead in a thick forest 2 kilometers from his abandoned bicycle.
Although video and computer games are simply a form of entertainment, there are undoubtfully more of those similar to Brandon whose social life have been broken by games. Brandon Crisp's death unmistakeably represents those who are addicted to games in today's society. But should we blame the parents or kids? The majority of the fault can be found in the parents as the parent's job is to monitor their child's actions out of their own best interest. To have allowed Brandon to go to the extent where his life was a part of the game is mostly his parent's fault for not taking earlier action. Thus, video and computer games can be exposed to children, but it is the parent's montoring that is needed in order to refrain the child's addiction.
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