Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3-year driver curb for youths

Ontario's young drivers have now faced a new legislation of driving. Young drivers now face up to three years of restriction rather than the previous two. Changes of the legislation include zero tolerance of drinking and speeding and a limit of one teenage friend passenger. According to the law just presented today, November 18th, 2008, young drivers with G1 and G2 licenses would be on probation for 18 months rather than 12. G2's advantage is to be able to drive as many passenges that is wanted except for the times between midnight and 5 am. "Teenage drivers are 3 1/2 times more likely to be involved in a fatal collision," said a source familiar with the legislation being introduced by Transportation Minister Jim Bradley.

As the new legislation of driving is introduced to the Ontario society, the list lengthens with the amount of laws imposed for the young drivers. Clearly, teens who are introduced to this new law are not in favour as it restricts their actions and plans.Yet the enforcement of prohibiting drinking and driving will have a significant future benefit. The original high percentage of teen deaths from crashes will ideally decrease and the streets at night will become a safer place.


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