Parents often open their windows or use a fan to clear out the air of second-hand smoke, but recent studies now prove that the 'prevention' of second-hand smoke is in fact of little use. Third-hand smoke is a term given to the next dangers of non-smokers being exposed to toxics. “When their kids are out of the house, they might smoke. Or they smoke in the car. Or they strap the kid in the car seat in the back and crack the window and smoke, and they think it’s okay because the second-hand smoke isn’t getting to their kids,” Dr. Winickoff continued. “We needed a term to describe these tobacco toxins that aren’t visible.” Studies show that although the parents may smoke in a seperate room such as the kitchen, it does not ensure the safety of their children. After smoking, gases and particles hold on to the smoker's hair, clothes and house furnitures and remains even after the smoke is not present anymore. These gases and particles include heavy metals, carcinogens (cancer risk) and frighteningly even radioactive chemicals that children can get on their hands.
Presently, a vast number of parents are addicted to smoking, but attempt to avoid the risk of second-hand smoking to their children. With the new risk of third-hand smoking, a new law must pass in order to avoid the perils of cancer for the children. The new law should include a restriction to smoking in the house if one has children as to minimize the chances of the children ingesting carcinogens.
"The belief that second-hand smoke harms children’s health was not independently associated with strict smoking bans in homes and cars, the researchers found. On the other hand, the belief that third-hand smoke was harmful greatly increased the likelihood the respondent also would enforce a strict smoking ban at home," Dr. Winickoff said.
1 comment:
This country was built of the belief that a citizen has the right to make certain decisions. If they want to smoke and harm the people they love then let them. Being able to choose it part of what being a Canadian all about.
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