Those in York Region who depend on the Viva bus are now warned to schedule a carpool for Monday morning since time is running out for the company that operates the transit system. The two sides, the drivers and the company, had a conference that stopped on Monday, September 15 and the workers set a final deadline for midnight Sunday. Therefore, if both sides do not meet up and agree with the wants of the workers, then there will be no buses to ride on Monday. York Region's Viva's buses carry more than 35,000 passengers on a ordinary day. Clearly, the amount of people riding the buses will have a great impact as the days continue without the Viva bus. Drivers are wishing for a pay increase of 3 per cent in each year of a three-year agreement. Viva drivers are currently capable of earning $20.75 after three years of work. The union proposal would put that up to $21.37.
With the possible strike of Viva Bus drivers, more than 35,000 people must resort to other means of transportation. I believe the fault lies in the drivers because they are aware that the union practically must agree with the contract. If there is no agreement, more than 35,000 workers in the society will be uncapable or find it difficult to arrive at work. The blame will then seem to lie in the Union. However, the fact that Viva bus drivers are willing to give up their jobs and affect the economy greatly by demanding for a couple dollars of increase, gives others in the society doubt whether their actions are correct.
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