Around 4 am, police found a car bursted into flames on the GO transit tracks. Sadly, inside the car was a burnt one-year-old dog. Police are now charging the suspect of impaired/drunk driving and animal cruelty. "Incidents involving drunk driving and pets are rare.When people go out drinking they don't tend to bring their pets," said Ian McConachie, spokesperson of the Toronto Humane Society. The 18-year-old Daniel Rodrigues - who also fled the scene - will face severe charges in court on February 19th.
This incident involving an 18-year-old who drove while drunk allows us to look back at the law that was eventually aborted. This is the law that was originally designed to enforce and prevent teen drunk-driving, but overtime was over-ruled and terminated. Yet here we see a teen nearly killed by the crash. Perhaps if the law was still in place, wouldn't the teen have hesitated, thought twice and thus minimizing the chances of this incident? I believe that regardless of the amount of teens disagreeing with the law, it is essential and only beneficial to teen's own lives that the law returns and is enforced.